Simple and quick biscuits that feature a bit of a spicy kick from the jalapenos and a delicious cheddar bite.  They are perfect for breakfas...
This is a must-try recipe for all you fellow pumpkin lovers.  It's super moist, full of delicious pumpkin flavor & spices, and featu...
 What if you could have help figuring out how to make numerous meals using only what you currently have on hand?  There's a free tool th...
 Happy September!  This month was welcomed by the entire homestead since it came with cooler temps and humidity.  The chickens are as apprec...
It's pumpkin everything season!  One of my favorite treats for late summer and fall is a pumpkin pie smoothie.  It's refreshing, del...
We just picked our pears for the year.  When we first started growing them, we didn't even think about how to know when they would be re...
  There are many ways to use sourdough discard, and this, by far, is one of my favorite and the absolute easiest!  A light and fluffy flatbr...
Wondering what to do with those beautiful carrot greens?  I love to add them to homemade veggie broth.  If I'm not making broth within t...