Make Ahead: Freezer Breakfast Burritos

make ahead freezer breakfast burritos

Breakfast is often times a last minute thing for me.  During the week if I get busy in the morning packing up orders or, on the off-chance, don't hear my alarm and sleep a bit late, it can be chaotic.  Those are the days I may only have coffee until lunchtime.

Having these handy and delicious little sandwiches in your freezer fixes that problem {well, not the sleeping in, just the not eating....}.  Grab it and go.  I make them up in batches usually the first Sunday of every month and we enjoy them a few times a week.  The 30 minutes spent on a Sunday
afternoon is well worth it.

Fill them with whatever you like, this is just an example of what we enjoy.

Freezer Breakfast Burritos
makes 8 burritos

1 cup diced or minced bell peppers
1/2 cup minced onion
2 Tablespoons butter or cooking oil
4 small sausage patties
10 large eggs
8 large flour tortillas {8 inch}
1/2 cup salsa, optional
1 cup shredded cheese, optional
Salt & Pepper to taste

Heat a large skillet over medium heat.  Add 1 Tablespoon butter or cooking oil.  When that is heated, add onion & peppers.  Stir frequently to prevent over-browning.  After 3-4 minutes break up the sausage and add it to the hot skillet.  Continue to stir until sausage is cooked through and onions and peppers are browned and softened. 

While the onion and peppers are cooking, crack eggs into a large mixing bowl.  With a wire whisk, whisk until well beaten {you'll be using a bit of muscle for this!}.

Add remaining Tablespoon of butter or oil to hot pan.  Pour beaten eggs over the onion/pepper/sausage mixture.  Allow to sit for about a minute, then start pulling the edges toward the center, all around the pan.  Begin slowly moving your egg mixture around so you end up with fully cooked but still glossy scrambled eggs.

Remove from heat and set aside. {I usually add the cheese here, but you can certainly add it when putting them together as noted below}

I like to heat up my tortilla shells prior to using because it makes them more pliable.  Heat in microwave for 15-20 seconds.  Lay all shells out on the counter.  Equally distribute the egg mixture among all 8 tortilla shells, keeping the mixture right in the center.  Add a spoonful or two of salsa to the eggs and then a sprinkling of cheese.

Roll the top over, then fold in the sides, and then continue rolling the tortilla shell to the end to form a burrito.  Wrap each burrito individually in plastic.  Put all in a freezer-safe bag or container and store in the freezer.

To eat:  Microwave frozen burrito {plastic removed} on a microwave-safe plate for 1 1/2 - 2 minutes.  Enjoy!

1 comment

  1. Hi Stacy! I have been thinking about changing up breakfast and doing something like this -- You've made it look easy enough for me to do (thanks for that!) and I will have to give it a try, THANKS!


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