June's Jam Session + Strawberry Honey Jam Recipe

It's strawberry season which means sticky red delicious jam will be stirred until perfection is achieved and then carefully poured into jars, waiting their grand finale - a few minutes in the water bath pool.  And then we wait to hear the "pop", "pop-pop-pop" as the lids seal on the now cooling jars.

There's just something so comforting about the process.

One of the most important traditions in the jam making process is the official licking of the spoon and sharing of the foam which is skimmed off of the top before spooning into jars.  J and I delight in getting our first taste of the newest batch.

Because canning season is primarily a summer activity, we set up a small station on the back deck.  This allows the house to remain cool while the pot of water continues a slow and steady gentle boil, batch after batch.  I've thought about making the jam outside as well, but it doesn't heat up the house too badly, and I hate to be that far away from the sink.  Just in case.  So, it's made inside and finished outside.

Thankfully, I have a GREAT supervisor who keeps a close eye, ensuring it is prepared properly.

I decided to try a small batch of strawberry honey jam, to see if we liked it.  What a silly thought.....how could we not like it?  It is delicious!  And so, I made a larger batch. 

I am sharing the recipe here in case you would like to try it too!

Strawberry & Honey Jam

1 cup honey
4 teaspoons Pomona’s Universal Pectin Powder
8 cups washed, hulled and mashed strawberries (a food processor works great for this)
3 tablespoon lemon juice
1-2 teaspoons fresh lemon zest
4 teaspoons calcium solution (included in the box of pectin)

Fill a canning pot and a smaller pan (unless you have a lid rack, then you only need the canning pot) with water and bring both to a boil.  Turn heat down to medium and keep sterilized jars hot in the canning pot while keeping the sterilized flat parts of lids in the smaller pan while you prepare jam.

In a large pan or dutch oven (stainless steel or enamel), combine the mashed strawberries with honey, lemon juice, lemon zest, pectin powder, and calcium solution. Bring to a boil over high heat and stir 1-2 minutes until honey is dissolved. Remove from heat.
  Remove any foam from the top (it won't hurt the jam at all if you did incorporate it) and share it with your sous chef(s).

Carefully remove the sterilized jars from the canning pot, pouring the water from each jar back into the pot, and place them upright on a kitchen towel placed on the counter in front of you.

Turn the heat back to high on the canning pot and bring the water back to a rapid boil. Ladle the jam into the jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace at the top.

Using a plastic knife, run along the inside of the jar a few times to pop any air bubbles that may be trapped. 
Use the damp paper towel to wipe the rims of the jars clean. Place a flat lid on each of the jars and then a ring (not tightened tightly, just finger tight). 

Return the jars to the canning pot, making sure the water covers the jars by at least one inch. Bring to a boil, and boil for 10 minutes to process. Turn pot off, remove the lid, and raise the rack so the jars are no longer fully immersed.  Allow to rest 5 minutes before removing.  Remove the jars and place where they will not be disturbed for 12 hours. After 1 hour, check to see that the lids have sealed by pressing down on the center of each; if the top can be pushed down, it hasn’t sealed, and the jar should be refrigerated immediately and used within 2 weeks.

Store in dark cool place like a pantry or cupboard out of direct heat or sunlight. for up to 1 year. 


  1. Would you be able to use the certo liquid pectin?

    1. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about the differences between the pectins to be able to answer your question. Sorry!!


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