A Path Of Less Leads To A Life Of More


Today I sit with my hands wrapped around a hot cup of "coffee" (Roastaroma - a chicory/barley/carob coffee alternative) that is topped with the most delicious oatmilk foam, just like an expensive coffee shop drink, but at less then half the cost.  It's my second cup of the day.  As the notes of cinnamon and allspice fill the air I watch the snow fall.  It's beautiful as it coats the ground and surrounding trees.  We've received a few feet of snow already and it's still snowing enough to remind me I'll have a bit of work to do before I can let Oliver out to do his business again.  That won't be anytime soon though as he is sleeping (and snoring) beside me.  Watching the flakes fall I am reminded just how much I love this life we live.  

A life that allows for a slower pace and the time and space to breathe and appreciate the little things in life.  A life where I can stay at home for days, particularly when the weather isn't exactly optimal.  Although I had to shovel a path out of the house this morning and a small area for Oliver to do his thing, I didn't have to do any more at that time.  We have the luxury of waiting for the snowfall to end.

yes, we have a lit Christmas tree on our front porch.  We try to give people passing by a little spirit of the holiday season. And yes, those are cookies - freshly baked (vegan) Chocolate Chip cookies and they are delicious!

We've been very fortunate to have found the right path for us.  A path of learning to live with less.  Less material things, less clutter, less expenses, less needs and wants.  What we have been given instead is more.  We've unburdened our lives a bit and learned to cherish the things, people, work, etc. that we truly enjoy.  With the opportunity to work for ourselves on our little homestead we have plenty of quality time to spend with each other, with friends, and doing things that bring us happiness.  Simply put, we have more choices and more freedom.

This isn't a change that happened overnight for us.  Once we realized what our new path was, and became excited about following it, it took about 7 years to fully transition.  SEVEN YEARS!  So don't give up if you're trying to figure it out for yourself.  We kept one foot firmly planted into our old lives that we were comfortable with only because it's what we knew.  We would toggle back and forth, fearful of change yet excited at the same time.  For us, it was once we had established our home-based business that we started to really get things moving.  That's when we truly felt the freedom to design our own life.  And that's when we began to enjoy this lifelong journey.

I've heard from a number of people "I'll enjoy life when I retire".  I understand the saying but have to wonder, what if you never make it to retirement?  Even if you do, do you really want to wait until then?  Are there small changes you can make now that can impact your life for the better?  Looking back I can now see small changes we could have made years before we started transitioning that would have made a huge difference.  I understand that our lifestyle isn't for everyone, I just wish for anyone not fulfilled and/or happy in their current life, that in 2021 you find your unique path that leads to whatever your more is. 


  1. Staci...beautifully written, thank you for the encouragement and inspiration. One of my favorite quotes is by Jeffrey R. Holland...

    "Don’t wait to live. This isn’t a rehearsal; this isn’t a dry run; this isn’t a pre-performance routine. This is it. This is real life. Don’t wait. Savor every minute."

    Love hearing that you're watching the snow fall and savoring every minute...so glad to have found your blog.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Mary - I love that quote as well. Thank you, my friend, for such a lovely comment. I'm happy you found us too! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  3. Yes, the freedom that we enjoy is precious. We too, live simply and don't feel a bit deprived. In fact, the more time we have to do what we love instills a sense that we are making the best decisions for our lives. Less is definitely more.

    I could see you teaching these principles to others. You have such a passion to help others achieve their dreams and I could see you as a mentor to so many.

    Still hoping for snow here! Enjoy your toasty nest.

  4. Daisy - you are too kind my friend. Thank you. I would like to do more in the space of simple living, I just haven't quite figured out what that looks like yet. :) As far as the snow goes, I hope you receive it soon!!

  5. Simplicity... what we are slowly transitioning toward! I so dearly love your posts, as they always seem to remind me to slow down and enjoy the little things around me. We are at the beginning of our 7 year transition, so you are giving me hope! Wishing you the many blessings of this holiday season!

  6. Jennifer - that's fantastic! Slowing down is something that will help you in so many ways. I'm so happy for you. Thank you for your wonderful comment.
    Happy holidays to you as well!

  7. Hopefully this does not show up twice-technology grr. . . Always enjoy your blog & your soap😍! Quick question: do you still have goats? I know you make goat milk soap & have mentioned goats in a past blog, but not lately(?) Do you now let someone else do the raising? Take care & Happy New Year! Another year to enjoy simple living😊!

  8. Thank you VegiChik! We let a friend of ours do the raising of the goats. We realized (quickly) that's it's too much to raise, breed, and milk goats, AND make all of the products AND go to all of the markets and shows. :) Happy New Year to you as well and absolutely, another year of simple living!!


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