It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...


We received 5-6 inches of snow on Sunday!  It coated the trees in the most beautiful pearlescent white so that on Monday, when the sun shone brightly it made everything sparkle.  We are expecting another 8-12 inches on Friday.  We will definitely have snow on the ground for the big day.

Christmas is almost here, and it really feels like it now.  Every year I remind myself that I need to take the time to decorate and thoroughly enjoy the season.  And every year I struggle to do this.  Because our business is retail based and, therefore, busy during the holidays, this keeps the struggle ongoing.  I do strive to be more consistent with at least a minimal amount of decoration.  Some years I'm better at it than others, and I've learned to give myself grace. 

For the first time in years, we did not decorate outdoors.  I do, however, have battery operated candles in each of the windows in the front of the house, and I enjoy the simplicity of it.  Our closest neighbors have their yard and outbuilding decorated and it looks beautiful.  I think we enjoy looking at it as much as they do!

Our farmer's market has been incredibly slow the past few months.  I'm assuming the current economy is the reason but am not entirely sure.   For the past 8 or 9 years that we've been selling at this market it's been very busy in both November and December and then slows down tremendously until May.  Unfortunately, that just didn't happen this year.  

We've finished making lotion, lip balm, deodorant, and all of our other products except soap for the remainder of this year.  Our last day of soapmaking will be tomorrow (production for all will start up again in January).  Once the soap is completed, I think I'm going to take all of the tomatoes I have stored in the freezer from our summer garden and make them into marinara (and dehydrating the skins and seeds for tomato powder).  I've been wanting to get this last bit of food preservation checked off of my imaginary list and this just might be the week to do it.

This space may be a little bit quiet until the New Year as we wrap up our pre-Christmas sales and then enjoy 2 weeks off.  I can't wait for time to draw and write and paint and crochet and write (written twice because I plan to do that the most)!  This year I've also declared that I'm taking Christmas day off.  Off as much as I can be "off".  This means no work and no cooking.  I will make large meals and desserts on Christmas Eve, and Christmas day will be pre-made meals and leftovers.

I'm grateful for each of you who stop by regularly and read these posts.  And if you've just discovered this blog, I'm grateful you found it!

Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas if you celebrate, and a happy new year!


  1. A very Merry Christmas to you. Looks like a winter wonderland at your place. Here in the PNW we are having more snow than usual and more to come next week. Enjoy your time off. I love your blog. It is so inspiring.

    1. Thank you so much Josephine for such a lovely comment! Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you as well!

  2. That's too bad the Farmer's Market has been so slow. We're wondering if '23 might be an interesting year for small businesses. Good thing we both grow gardens! I hope you get your tomatoes put up. This week, I've been wondering if I'll get all the frozen produce... apples, pears, pawpaws and veggie scraps for broth put up before it's time to start planting seeds again. Your photos look like postcards, they're so gorgeous! They're teasing us with a small amount of snow next week, but every day the forecast changes, so we'll see. We got our tree today, but probably won't have time to decorate until next week. We can just do what we can. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy your down time!

    1. Laurie - we are wondering the same about 2023. So happy to hear you've got your tree! Merry Christmas to you as well and thank you so much for your support and friendship!

  3. Your place looks so pretty with the snow although coming from a tropical climate I can't imagine living with snow. Good idea to relax on Christmas Day and prepare food the night before so you can sit and crochet and relax. Have loved reading about your life in 2022 and look forward to 2023. Merry Christmas from Brisbane, Australia

    1. Thank you so much Kathy. I know what you mean about living in a tropical climate. When we lived in Hawaii for a couple of years, we couldn't imagine shoveling snow again. And here we are! Thank you for your kind words and ongoing friendship. Merry Christmas to you as well!

  4. Yes, that that time off and RELAX - feet up, watching the snow, favorite old movies, good books, crochet, writing, more writing...whatever makes your heart happy! So much snow...yay, that really looks lovely. We don't have any - it's just gray and windy, but that's okay, it's a good time to simply slow down. I'm sorry the market has been's hard to know why, but I hope it picks up again quickly. And don't fret about the decorating...put on some favorite holiday music, light some candles, set out some things that are sentimental and let it go. I love to see candles the windows, it's a simple, sweet homestead welcome to those passing by.

    Always a joy to read your blog, I get inspired and learn something new...I'm making more biscotti tomorrow! Thank you - it's been terrific to "meet" you across the miles, so appreciate you! Have a very Merry Christmas.

    1. Thank you, Mary! I agree about the candles in the window. 😊 Happy you enjoy the biscotti recipe. After the new year I'll try to remember to post the Italian version. It's been fantastic "meeting" you as well and such a wonderful friendship. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  5. Why decorate outside when Mother Nature has done it for you? You really can't beat the snow-laden scenery. Just beautiful. Oh, I hope we get snow.

    I have to agree with your readers here that your blog is so inspiring and uplifting. I know that blogs are not as popular as they once were, but I still enjoy reading my favs, yours among them.

    Enjoy your relaxed holiday. We don't even buy a tree anymore. We have a "Charlie Brown" tree someone gifted us, and that's what we use now. A few strands of dried orange slices on the windows, some paper cutout snowflakes draped on the wall and a few select spots for lights. It's enough!

    Blessings to you during this holiday season and into the new year.

    1. Anonymous thank you so much! It's such a bummer that everything is on Instagram now instead of traditional blogs, isn't it? I think your decorations sound wonderful. I am honored that this is one of your favorite blogs and so appreciate you continuing to visit! Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

  6. I don't know why it called me anonymous! It's me, daisy! lol

    1. Hi Daisy! Good old blogger - sometimes it does that! Well, another merry Christmas and happy New Year wish for you and your family and a great big thank you for your continued friendship. 😊


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