Last Week On The Homestead: Snow, Ordinary Days, & Feeling Better


February 20-26, 2023

Hello friends!

Well, last week was all about getting better for us.  Unfortunately, we finally came down with COVID.  It was only a matter of time, and I figured it would happen during winter because our winter farmers market is a tight indoor space.  Sure enough, I came down with it late at night on Valentine's Day and my husband a few days later.  Initially I assumed I was coming down with a sinus infection as I had a very sore throat, headache, and body aches.  I thought that was strange since I haven't had a sinus infection in 5 years! (Interestingly, I haven't had one since I left working for other people! Never underestimate the negative effects of stress on your health.)  

By day two I was suspicious that it could be COVID and took a test.  Sure enough, that's what it was.  So, we stayed home and away from others so as not to pass on any germs until it was in the rearview mirror.  I experienced more of the mild flu-like symptoms that lasted 4 days and less of the cold-like symptoms (2 days).  My husband was the complete opposite with his flu-like symptoms being more severe and lasting 2 days and his cold-like symptoms still hanging on.  He is very congested whereas I was barely congested.  I lost my sense of smell for a day and a half, and I asked my husband if he lost his sense of smell.  He said he doesn't know.  How do you not know??  

We received snow on Wednesday as well as ice!  The snow I have no issue with, the ice, however, is such a pain.  We received a bit more snow on Saturday and are expected to get 3-6 inches tomorrow.  I'm happy we'll receive the snow during the day since I enjoy watching it and I'm hoping it's the light and fluffy variety!

We had our heating oil tank topped off.  We were down to a 1/4 of a tank and decided to bite the bullet.  We paid $3.89/gallon.  Yikes!  It's not the highest price we've ever paid, but it's up there.  Thankfully, our oil heat is our secondary heat source, and our pellet stove is our primary source.  This means we only have to fill our oil tank about once every other year.  We go through about 2 1/2 tons of pellets each year.  The price for pellets has, of course, gone up so they are now $280.00/ton (for the type we prefer) which is still MUCH less than filling the oil tank every couple of months.  Our oil heat is used mostly because our living room and spare bedroom don't receive much of the heat from the pellet stove because of where it's located.

I made the chickpea veggie loaf I'd mentioned in the past 2 LWOTH posts.  It was ok.  I will probably make it again but work with the recipe quite a bit to infuse some flavor into it.  It was very crumbly and dry when cold but nice and moist when warmed up.  I made it without the BBQ sauce or cranberries (she notes these ingredients as optional) and used the ground oats option instead of breadcrumbs.  I ate it with super delicious mushroom gravy but the loaf itself, in my opinion, needed more flavor.

I started reading the School By The Sea series by Jenny Colgan.  I'm still on the first book and so far, I'm enjoying it.

The Coop Girls do NOT like snow
The Coop Girls are doing well.  They aren't laying as much as we'd anticipated but they are giving us about 2 1/2 dozen eggs per week right now.  


Oliver and Jackson are both doing good too!  And as far as our stray cats go, we've only seen the original Felix in the past few weeks.  Imposter Felix and the little cat with the white paws have not been coming around at all.  My hope, of course, is that someone else is caring for them.  On Thursday when I saw Felix, he had a new gash under his right eye, so he certainly got into a fight with something.  He appears to be fine now though.  He's pretty funny.  If I don't get him his breakfast on time (6:30a) then he knows where to wait in order to look in the window at me so that I can see him. On the few mornings I forgot, I was just about to sit down with my hot coffee after my morning chores for Oliver and I saw the look through the window.  My translation of the look I get is Felix sarcastically saying "oh sure, enjoy your hot cup of coffee in your warm house on your comfy couch.  No problem.  I'll wait.  I'm freezing and starving but it's all ok.  I'll just wait right here until you get the time to get my food."  I hopped right back up to get him his food.  

I am soooooo ready to get out in the garden.  Of course, the garden is currently under a small layer of snow and ice so that won't be happening for a while, but I'm still ready and excited.  It's nice to have the break in the growing season so that there is enthusiasm in getting back to it but I'm ready for fresh veggies!

Oatmeal Bread using Spelt Flour (left) and White Bread Flour (right)

Meals for this week:
Chipotle Chili & Cilantro Chicken Fajitas & Rice
BBQ Pork Tenderloin, Scalloped Potatoes, Steamed Green Beans
Smash Burger (this homemade version - Pinch Of Yum) & Homemade Air Fryer Fries
Sauteed Chicken Breast with Mustard Cream Sauce, Rice, and Spinach
Chicken Cacciatore Pasta and Steamed Veggies
Mississippi Pot Roast In The Crockpot with Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, and Carrots

Mine (multiple days per meal):
Noodles, Veg, & Chickpeas with Peanut Sauce
Black Bean Crockpot Soup
Vegan Stuffed Cabbage (Rice & Lentils)

That's last week on the homestead. Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead!


  1. Your meals sound good for the week! Your Felix comments made me smile. A cat with an attitude :o). I'm sorry to hear you both got Covid, and hope you're both back in good health very soon. At least you're likely to build up some immunity now. Take good care of yourself.

    1. Don't you just love the attitude many cats seem to have? Yes, we are feeling MUCH better!! Thanks so much for your well wishes Laurie!

  2. Yes eventually everyone gets C. I had it June last year and lay on the couch with no energy for 5 days. Thankfully I had no ongoing effects, a person I follow interstate have had huge heart problems and in bed for days and she would be late 30's. Glad you are both doing well.

    1. Happy you came through the illness ok Kathy. I, too, know people who haven't been so fortunate including one in his 20's. It's a scary illness. Thanks for your well wishes!

  3. Oh no! So sorry you had to deal with Covid. Hoping you are both well on the mend.
    I've read that series. Quite enjoyable.
    Your bread looks SO good. I'm considering going back to making homemade bread, as I tested negative for celiac. There's nothing like the smell of warm, just-out-of-the-oven bread.
    Please look after yourselves.

    1. Daisy - thank you. Yes, we are both feeling good. SO HAPPY to hear you tested negative for celiac!! You're so right - fresh homemade bread is the best smell (and taste)! Appreciate the well wishes!

  4. Covid is miserable...sounds like you're bouncing back, but it does wear a body down. We just had propane delivered a few weeks ago...good grief, It's just too expensive, we try to keep the house cool, honestly not over 68, and use a space heater in whatever room we're in, but still, it's just so much money. I guess we'll have leftover and start the fall with some reserve, but still...

    The critters look cozy and happy, and your bread looks amazing...ahhh, a warm slice topped with butter or jam is just the best! Take care of yourselves and enjoy the week, Mary

    1. Hi Mary - yes, thankfully, we bounced back within the week. I hear you about the heat - we've been keeping ours at 64 (and I wear thermals....). Oliver and Jackson are definitely quite cozy! They both love their beds and blankets. Thanks for stopping by! Wishing you a wonderful week!!


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