October Days


This week has been a surprise.  Temps in the 80's have meant we've had a last taste of summer.  I worked on putting much of my garden to bed.  Some years I just run out of time and forget about it until the snow begins to thaw in spring and reveals the truth - my lack of fall clean-up.  I was able to complete all but the active beds.  We are blessed to have kale, arugula, lettuce, basil, cilantro, dill, oregano, sage, chives, green beans, beets, eggplant, and peppers still producing, despite the fact that they've been severely neglected.  

The last of our fruit has been harvested and now I work to preserve it.  The asian pear tree was LOADED this year.  We've been eating what feels like our weight in fresh fruit and now I will slice and freeze what remains.  And what remains is a lot.  Last year or the year before I made apple galettes with them and that turned out to be delicious.  Last year I also prepared and froze 6 gallon-sized bags of apple pie filling with apples from a local orchard.  So, this year I am putting up our asian pears in the same manner.  They will make many delectable homegrown treats this winter.

The coop girls love fall clean-up.  They believe that everything I pick and pull in the garden is for them.  They chirp and trill while patiently waiting on the other side of the garden fence supervising my every move.  I toss them bits that are not salvageable.  The pears they've been gifted this week have been a favorite, causing quite the stir.  Their tuneful noises are filled with excitement and approval.  They haven't yet been unleashed into the garden as they will ignore the garden rules: no eating or scratching of producing herbs and veggies.  So, they are forced to wait just a little bit longer.

Days were filled with sunshine, an increase in humidity, an almost constant melodious birdsong coupled with the sound of chipmunks and squirrels scattering over crackling leaves as they continue to stockpile, and the slight smell of fall.  Just enough to remind you that the season really is here, despite what the thermometer says. 

Mornings have remained cool which means starting my day with a cup of hot coffee and a good book is fully appreciated and enjoyed.

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." - L.M. Montgomery (Anne Of Green Gables)

I'm hoping you are able to also enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of the season my friend.


  1. Your tomatoes all in a row is a lovely sight. Oh, I miss apple galettes! There's so much I don't bake, now that I'm GF. Are you able to make those GF? I'm happy to have figured out pizza crust and tortillas I'm happy with, but not much else yet. Little by little... It is really lovely to start out with cool mornings in the garden. Enjoy all the goodies left in your garden!

    1. Thanks Laurie! We love galettes because I can make them small - an actual pie is just too much for two people to get through but a galette (or two) we can manage! You can definitely make them gf if you have a good gf pie crust recipe. Unfortunately, I don't cook/bake gf at all, so I don't know of a recipe. If you have one, I just use a half recipe of a single pie crust (the rest can be frozen), roll it out, fill it with apple pie filling, fold it up around the filling and bake on a cookie sheet at 425 degrees F for 45 minutes or so. Cool mornings are the best, aren't they?

  2. Looks very different to your "snow pics" real seasonal transitions. Have a great week. Kathy, Brisbane, Australia

    1. And snow pics will be here again soon! Wishing you a great week as well Kathy!

  3. It looks as if things are slowing down...I don't know about you, but after a full summer, I'm grateful for this time. The kitchen is no longer sticky from jelly making and "messes" are packed away. I'm glad you mentioned galettes...I made my first ones this summer to sell, so much easier than pie crust (more forgiving at least of MY pie crust, not picture perfect that's for sure.) Did you make them from frozen apple slices you had thawed? I have a couple dozen pears this year...what a blessing. Take care, and put your feet up tomorrow...we need a little time to just "be" and relax.

    1. Mary - I agree. It's nice to have things slow down just in time to enjoy the fall colors. Our kitchen is still sticky until I complete my asian pear/apple pie filling but once I've finished that on Monday, it will be clean clean clean. Yes, I thaw a package of apple/asian pear filling and pour it right into the pie crust and bake it up. Delicious! Hoping you and your family are well and that you are also able to take time to relax and enjoy the season.


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