A Free Tool To Help Cook With Ingredients You Have On Hand

 What if you could have help figuring out how to make numerous meals using only what you currently have on hand?  There's a free tool that can help you find recipes that will allow you to do just that.  

scallions, carrots, and other vegetables displayed

I wanted to share this fairly new-to-me tool with you.   I recently saw Amy from The Cross Legacy create a video on it and thought, why haven't I shared it here?  It's a helpful recipe generator that not only assists with the budget, but also to avoid food waste.  This app is currently free, which I'm saying in case they decide to monetize it in the future, and is available both for your phone or desktop.

supercook screen shot

How Do you Use The Super Cook App?

Go to www.Supercook.com and create an account.  Next, you select from their very long list of ingredients on the left-hand side of the screen (on desktop).  Choose ingredients you have on hand and/or would like to use up, as many or as few as you would like.  As you select them it will populate your screen with the number of recipes it has found for you using only ingredients you've chosen.

I think this is a great way to get creative ideas for using up miscellaneous ingredients you have on hand before they go bad.  I also think it's a great way to put off going to the grocery store.  If you can continue to find recipes with what you have on hand, you can possibly put off that shopping trip a day or two (or three) longer.  Very helpful for the budget!

This app can also be a great way to find new recipes for using produce from your garden.  Instead of scrolling through numerous recipes where you only have a few of the ingredients, with this app you will only be shown those using the ingredients you select.  

supercook app screenshot of main page

How I've Been Using The Super Cook App

The way that I've been using it is that I put in everything I typically stock in my home into the app as available ingredients.  These are things I try to keep in stock year-round.  

Because it has found so many, I've been looking through the recipes, filtering by protein, and trying the ones that seem to fit either mine or my husband's taste.  The keepers will be added to our regular rotation of recipes.

I may also clear the ingredients and enter only a handful to see if I can discover more recipes that use very few and inexpensive ingredients I typically stock.

If you've used this app or a similar one, I would love to hear how you've been using it.

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