Keeping It Simple


We are officially decorated for Christmas.  I'm not sure we've ever been completely done this early before.  Of course, that doesn't include the years where we've barely had any decorations up at all because we just didn't prioritize it with all of the busyness of life.  Thankfully, that is in the past.

I requested that we try to get everything done between Thanksgiving Day and the day after, knowing we have a few busy weeks ahead.  We don't put up a ton of decorations, mind you, but it all takes time.  Sure enough, we were done by Friday night with plenty of time to enjoy the process.  Don't you love reminiscing about the memories each decoration holds?  My grandmother passed away earlier this year and I thoroughly enjoyed thinking about her as I unwrapped items she made for me.  She and my grandfather were an important part of my life.  They helped raise me and gave me a safe space.  I am so grateful to have had them and their unconditional love.  Those decorations (and memories) will be treasured by me forever.

Saturday we were gone to a craft show (as vendors) from 7a.m until 4:30p.m. and then Sunday was our weekly farmers market.  Monday, we ran a Cyber Monday special on our website, which meant I spent most of the day packing orders.  Grateful for that.  I was able to get them all shipped by Wednesday.  The rest of this week has been spent packing and shipping orders, making lotion and deodorant, and packaging everything.

Jackson has been quite the helper these days. He still sleeps a lot, I mean he IS a cat after all, but he makes sure to check in with me (and steal my chair) throughout the day. I make a big fuss over him when he enters the room and he gets excited, meowing and prancing on in.

Inevitably he gets bored with supervising me and finds his own entertainment.  This week his favorite toy has been his Halloween mouse.  Next week it will be something else in his toy basket.  

It's hard to believe that December is upon us with all of its joy and magic. My goal is to keep things simple and stay present to the beauty of it all.  Slowing down and keeping it simple allow me to fully appreciate even the smallest of moments such as this:

A sweet little squirrel finding food right outside our home office window.  It's important to look up from what you're doing and take time to breathe.  So you don't miss silly moments like this!

Lastly, I know that some of you may be going through difficult times this holiday season.  I feel for you.  I know the holidays make challenging times even harder.  Please know that you are not alone.  Let people in, as difficult as that thought may be.  And if you know someone who may be struggling, continue to remind them that you are there for them.  It will mean more than you can ever imagine.

Wishing you a peaceful holiday season friends.


  1. Oh I love your squirrel pics.....and yes, it's important to stop and look up.

  2. Jackson is absolutely posing in that picture! What a hoot!

  3. Yes, we have simplified our holidays over the years. We don't celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday, so it's a bit easier to customize it for our family. We don't even buy a tree anymore, but instead use one of those ceramic trees that Big K's mom made many moons ago.
    I love the squirrel pics, and the thought behind it. I love spending time in our woods gathering twigs and other things for decorating, as minimal as it is.
    Praying peace for our world in the coming days. So grateful to have found you in blogland!
    Be Blissed!

    1. My grandmother made ceramic trees! I've seen similar ones pop up in others pics from time-to-time and it reminds me of her. I'm with you - peace indeed. I am grateful to have found you as well!

  4. Don't you love twinkly lights at the sink area?! We spend so much time there. I had always put them up for Christmas, then some years back, decided they could stay up all year, for the cheer they bring. Jackson is a beautiful boy. I hope you get enough down time to enjoy this holiday season.

    1. I do love the lights and started leaving them up last year. My husband isn't a fan, but I love them. I spend so much time there, so why not?

  5. Your decorations are pretty and oh-so simple, they bring an old-fashioned feel to Christmas...just the way I like it. Love the squirrel acrobatics! I lived with my grandmother until she passed away when I was 10...I'm sorry to read you lost yours earlier this year. They really are such a special part of our lives...I have little odds & ends that belonged to her - a glass canning funnel, a yard stick, pair of scissors, McGuffey Readers, and a Tupperware pastry mat - you're right, like your ornaments, each one brings sweet memories. Every time I hear Taylor Swift's song "Marjorie" I think of my grandmother.

    Enjoy this time of year...I'm sure your so busy, but take time for you, too. So thankful to have found your blog!

    1. Thank you so much Mary. Like you, a few little things are all I need as sweet reminders of her and the amazing person she was. I am grateful to have found your blog as well!

  6. I enjoyed reading your post. I like what you said about taking time to look up from what you’re working on , to enjoy the beauty of things. I luv the squirrel pics. They’re so fun to watch 😄. God bless you and your family.

    1. Awww thank you. It's so easy to miss everyday beauty by forgetting to look up from what we're doing, isn't it? That squirrel was hilarious - I ended up watching him for quite a bit!


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