Holidays, Goals, And SNOW!


This scared look is Jack's default look when the camera is pointed at him.  It's very difficult to get a good photo....

Snow!  We have snow!  I appreciate when our snowfalls come during the day so I can fully enjoy it, but that just doesn't always happen.  This one started Saturday evening just after 6.  Too dark to enjoy so I was excited for Sunday morning.  And the forecast ended up being correct this time in that we enjoyed a light snowfall for most of Sunday as well.  It was so pretty.  Don't you just love when it coats the trees?  Our farmer's market was cancelled so we stayed home and enjoyed the day.

I know we're just over a week into 2024 but Happy New Year to you all!  The holidays were hectic for our business, which is a good thing, so once Christmas is here there's not only the appreciation for the day but also a joy in slowing down.  January through May is generally pretty mellow for us.  The garden is still sleeping, the business operates at a much slower pace (we are in production and stock-up mode for the most part), and there's not a lot of outdoor activities for us to enjoy (we are not skiers). So, after I get all of the end of year reports and paperwork done for the business and taxes taken care of, I enjoy immersing myself into arts and crafts projects.  It's something I start to look forward to by late fall.

I've started with drawing lessons that I've always wanted to spend time doing. It's one of the goals I'd set for myself for this year.  I have 4 crafty areas that I want to develop more skills in: drawing, watercolor painting, crocheting, and embroidery.  Because I enjoy all four, I figured I would set goals for acquiring new skills in each of these to (hopefully) improve slowly.  I'm starting with drawing, as I think that might be my most challenging of the four, and plan to devote any spare time in January and February to learning.  I'm also going to follow advice from a friend that buying a sketchbook and drawing something every day will help develop my skills.  Don't edit, don't judge, and don't criticize it, just draw she instructed.  So, a new daily habit is formed.

The moon on December 27, 2023

Some other goals I've set for this year are: 
  • journal daily
  • get our photos completely purged and photo books/albums completed. I started this a few years ago but stopped so it's time to complete this by getting rid of about 60%, and either make photo books or albums with the remaining photos.
  • try to remember to take photos of our meals.  I'd like to put together a cookbook for our use.  I thought I could make a photo book with a photo of the meal and the recipe and have it printed.  Much nicer than the notebook that I currently use.
  • I have one gardening goal....Grow.  All.  The.  Food.  I plan to battle the wildlife and bugs like a champ and harvest an abundance this year.

How about you.  Did you set any goals for the coming year?

Our holidays were nice and quiet, just how we enjoy them.  We spent time with friends, did a little relaxing, completed a few indoor projects (mostly painting), and watched some football.  Jack is enjoying his gifts - a new bed (not needed but he does love a new bed) for a spot next to the pellet stove and new toys (also not needed, but who doesn't love new toys??).  It actually took him about a week to warm up to the idea of a new bed but now he's obsessed.

Homemade Potato/Buttermilk Rolls

The youngest 7 coop girls are laying again, and they are all handling winter ok.  They are clearly not happy about the cooler temps, but we can persuade most to come outside for at least a little bit of time each day.  We had to buy eggs for my husband to eat for the last few months from a farmer friend because we haven't received any from our flock since October.  It's nice to have that as an option. 

The homestead is rolling into winter.  Our pantries and freezers are packed, sprouting season has begun (for fresh greens), the pellet stove is constantly humming, and the kitchen is working hard.  

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!


  1. Oh, I have snow envy! It's so beautiful, especially against the red building and truck. I'm still hoping we get some this winter. Enjoy it!

    I continue to work on creating less garbage in our household. We have no bulk store nearby, so most things need to be purchased in packaging. Ugh. I do what I can.
    Taking short daytrips is on my list of things I'd like to work toward. I get anxious leaving home at times, so I need to stretch myself in this arena. There are so many neat places around here!

    Your crafty goals sound fantastic! What a great idea to just make a habit of doing some drawing daily. I'm hoping to teach myself crochet this winter.

    Our girls are not laying much either, We're lucky if we get 6 eggs a week. Fortunately, we have many chook keepers in the area, so I can always find organic, home-raised eggs nearby.

    Enjoy the picturesque views from the coziness of your home. Blessings...

    1. I adore the snow. Especially now that, for the most part, I don't have to drive in it!

      Less garbage is a great goal! It's an ongoing one, isn't it? I understand anxiety firsthand and give you credit for pushing beyond your comfort zone. It's not always easy. Speaking of daytrips, we need to make them a priority this year as well. There really are a lot of things to see in close proximity.

      I hope you are able to start crocheting this year. I think you will enjoy it. I believe that you are similar to me in that you always need to do something? If so, it's a great thing to do while sitting for a bit, waiting for something, or even as a passenger in a vehicle (if you don't get car sick from such a thing). Definitely get stitch markers so you can pause your project and pick it up again. Especially when you are first learning, it's so much easier. Do you watch TL Yarncrafts on you tube? If you go to her channel and type into the search field "beginner", scroll down a bit and look for her video that says something like "Learn to crochet, slow step-by-step instructions". It's got over 2 million views. I think it's a great tutorial and she's a really good teacher.

      Thanks so much for stopping by Daisy!

  2. Happy New Year to you, the snow pics look so lovely and in the meantime here in Brisbane we have had lots of rain for weeks. There is flooding in Australia and unexpected storms with huge winds further at the Gold Coast and Mt Tamborine. We have been fine here. Having trouble with my website logging in as it might have been hacked so I need to investigate further which is such a pain. I can google and get onto it but can't log in to post anything. Initially I was so worried because use the blog all the time to look up recipes etc. I have printed the blog with "blog2print" but if I'm on the website I can just search "cupcakes" and it will pop up vs working out what year, what month what post my recipe was in if you flip through the books. We had a lovely Christmas at my place with the family and the puppy is keeping me very busy. I ended up getting Sciatica which is extremely painful walking for about 3 weeks including Christmas so walking the dog was difficult. This week seems to be better thank goodness. Love all your "craft projects" to learn new things. Have a good week. Kathy, Brisbane, Australia

    1. Hi Kathy - oh gosh, flooding and a possible hack into your account. Yikes! Glad to hear you are fine where you are. Sorry to hear about the blog account, that's got to be frustrating.

      That's horrible that you had sciatic pain at Christmas. I've only had that once and it was absolutely awful. Glad you're feeling better and hope the puppy is doing well too! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  3. Happy New Year!

    It’s definitely time to start planning next year’s garden and thinking about what I want to can too. As for growing all your own veggies, check out the “Seasonal Homestead” blog. I can’t believe the amount of food she grows!

    -Katie C.

    1. Katie - yes, the time to plan the garden is here! I do watch Becky (seasonal homestead) on youtube from time-to-time. It is amazing! Thanks for stopping by and Happy New Year to you as well!

  4. Such cozy sounding days! Our snow forecasts keep disappearing, but we're still hopeful. Spending time doing arts & crafts sounds like a wonderful goal. I can see how that bed won Jack over. It looks like perfect kitty comfort. Here's to great gardens in 2024!

    1. Cozy indeed. I hope you receive some snow soon. Just a lovely coating to make it feel seasonal. Thanks for stopping by Laurie and for the perfect cheer to great gardens this year!


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